Monday, November 9, 2009

My Endless Headache

Apparently, I get migraines. I thought I was just sensitive to atmospheric pressure changes when rain is coming our way. Alas, that may be so, but I get these also! It looks like they may be hormonally triggered. I am in so much pain at this point, I am not sure I care what the cause is. I just want relief!

I am now into day three of this latest migraine. No pain reliever has worked, nor Sudafed to help relieve some of the pressure that I am feeling in my sinuses....I am pretty sure that the pressure is from my brain wanting to explode through my right eye. I have dabbed peppermint oil on my temples and the nape of my neck and eaten grapes---something natural that is said to help---to no avail. I was helped by a very kind woman at Lowes about 8 weeks ago during my last migraine who told me to pinch down on the inside of my skin between my first finger and thumb to find some relief---which does work very temporarily---and to increase my calcium intake, something I am guilty of skimping on because I am lactose sensitive/intolerant and have been working on since then. I am now eyeing my husband's vice grip in our garage as a possibility for relief.....

But as I sit here in pain, feeling a bit sorry for myself, I am humbled by friends who are going through far worse and without real solutions or true physical relief in site. A good friend continues her fight with breast cancer, more than 7 years since she found the lump in her breast, with two recurrences and no cure in site. Our pastor's wife battles stage 3A colorectal cancer, said to be in remission, but continuing to wade through 6 months of chemo with the hope that it won't come back, a hope that has failed my first friend, who had a better prognosis following her first round with her own battle. Two friends from Bible study are going through radiation for breast cancer right now, both ladies young and love the Lord. I am praying for three others I have never met who are battling breast cancer also. A sweet girl from my Bible study is in danger of miscarrying her precious second child after beginning to spot over the weekend. I just prayed with her two weeks ago over this little one. Another friend has MS and is close to my age. Another friend has a slue of symptoms that the doctors have not been able to diagnose and they are dibilitating her one day at a time. I have one Muslim friend. She is completely lost to the Lord and doesn't know it and I have no idea how to tell her who Jesus is---Muslim Jesus is not even close to who our Lord is---other than to stop at her home the day following the Ft Hood shooting and tell her that I love her and that Christ does also. She judges me on my witness--- our oldest son having a girl friend which they don't approve of---as being better than me and pities me. But I know that the Lord put me at her door in my humbleness, knowing that it's His love that matters, not anything about me or my family, that has the potential to make the difference in her ever knowing the truth. I cannot bear the thought of she and her family eternally lost. Puts that pesky migraine into perspective a bit for me, and makes me want to pray over them.

Father, I love you. Thank you for the sacrifice of Your only son for my life and for anyone who accepts the grace You extend through His life. Lord, all these women, some suffering greatly, one lost for the moment eternally, with You as our only Hope. Lord, it is my hearts desire for each of these women to know You and to experience Your presence through every moment of their lives. May each trial bring about a greater closeness with you. May every blessing bring praise to Your Holy Name. May the lost have their eyes and hearts opened to You and those that are Yours already feel the comfort only a Heavenly Father can provide. Thank you Lord for the blessing of this migraine that I may lean on You more, that I may see the needs of others who are far greater than myself as more important and spend my time in prayer over them instead. I find myself thankful for a trial that helps me to see You better and live out Your command and to understand it truly: to think of others as better than myself. In Jesus precious name.

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